There are many definitions of Building
Information Modelling (BIM), but it is simply the
means by which everyone can understand a
building through the use of a 3D digital model
and embedded design, plant, product, material
and lifecycle data.
BIM is a way of working; it is information
modelling and information management in a
team environment, all team members working
to the same standards as one another.
BIM creates value from the combined efforts of
people, process and technology.
The future of the construction industry is
digital, and BIM is the future of design,
c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d l o n g t e r m f a c i l i t i e s
It is government led and driven by technology,
clear processes and it is implementing change
across all industries.
As hardware, software and cloud applications
herald greater capability to handle increasing
amounts of raw data and information, the use
of BIM will become even more pronounced
than it is in current projects