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In June, the Mayor of Manchester opened the new Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) outreach hub in the CTF Building. The RCS's Outreach Hub for the North and Midlands is the base from which the College works with its regional members and volunteers and is its first home outside of London. It's been a busy summer settling into our new office and meeting members and fellows at events across the regions, including surgical trainee inductions, medical school careers days and board meetings with the RCS and schools of surgery. The RCS is a professional membership organisation and registered charity which exists to advance patient care. It has over 25,000 members and fellows nationally and internationally. If you'd like to find out more about the RCS and its outreach team, visit the RCS website or email the team on: A new home for the Royal College of Surgeons in Manchester Known as 'The Arches', the Incubator is based off Sackville Street in Manchester city centre, and has become a hive of activity in recent years. UMIC has now installed new kitchens in Arch 28 and 30. Arch 28 has been re-fitted with modern streamlined furniture and we look forward to completing Arch 30 next. Tenants within 'The Arches' continue to thrive and we are seeing increasing interest in this space. Greenlight Computers have now moved into Arch 28 and UMIC is delighted to see the business grow and that they have been able to remain with us. 'The Arches' are fully occupied and house Kaya Travel, Greenlight Computer, Dexter Intelligence, App Focus Siyemi and our new tenant, Manchester Imaging. Tony Travers from Manchester Imaging provided us with a brief of the company and the benefits of being located with us: Manchester Imaging Limited is a dental diagnostic software spin-out from The University of Manchester. We have a computer vision and machine learning technology underpinning an image analysis software portfolio with development applications in several aspects of dental healthcare. At the end of 2017 the company secured investment to support the development and commercial launch of the company's first product, AssistDent ® which automatically points dentists towards the very early signs of tooth decay that can often go unseen by dentists. As part of the launch preparation we recruited more specialist staff and needed an office space that not just met our criteria for size and budget, but was in an accessible and appealing location with an opportunity to accommodate a larger team when we were ready for further growth. In discussions with Marie and the UMIP team we were shown the "Arches" and could see with some simple furniture and layout changes it would meet our criteria and be a great space for our team. And being fully serviced we feel we get good value for money and nothing to get distracted about in terms of maintaining the space. There are several businesses located in the group of three arches and because of the shared spaces we have found it easy to get to know the others all of which has added to the positive working environment we now value in the "Arches". North Campus Incubator 'The Arches'