HTP Graphics

RAIN Brochure

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CASE STUDY: HEXAPOD Decommissioning and maintenance work in the nuclear industry requires inspection, dismantling, and sorting of vast quantities of radioactive equipment and materials. RAIN researchers are developing a hexapod and a snake robot that have tooling and sensing capabilities to perform in-situ repairs and maintenance inside nuclear facilities. The hexapod has high mobility, machining capability and versatility through the use of different leg layouts, a specialised stiffness mechanism and the ability to deploy different tools. The snake-like robot has a slender and flexible construction so that it can be used for mapping inside of gloveboxes. The RAIN Hub is developing inactive but realistic model gloveboxes for the next stages of testing and demonstration. TIMELINE Develop Bring technology to an appropriate level. Deploy From lab tests to active site trials and prepare for commercialisation. MARCH 2021 1st phase of the RAIN Hub completed FROM SPRING 2019 Annual working group workshops and whole Hub demonstrations. Regular RAIN meets and smaller demonstrations throughout. 23

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